Conservative blogging trends


One of the big issues last week and over the weekend was the IOC’s choice to not hold the Olympics in Chicago in 2016.

Top Issues
1. Health Care
2. Iran
3. Republican Party
4. National Security and Foreign Policy
5. Pending Legislation
6. Education
7. “Man Made” Global Warming”
8. Wall Street
9. Committees
10. United Nations

Issue Trends
1. National Security and Foreign Policy + 57.17 %
2. “Man Made” Global Warming” + 51.35 %
3. Iran + 37.85 %
4. Wall Street + 14.04 %
5. United Nations + 8.97 %
6. Committees + 0.90 %
7. China – 3.52 %
8. Health Care – 3.67 %
9. Republican Party – 11.65 %
10. Education – 23.16 %

Top People
1. Sarah Palin
2. John McCain
3. Joe Biden
4. Rush Limbaugh
5. Harry Reid
6. Nancy Pelosi
7. Jim DeMint
8. Rahm Emanuel
9. Newt Gingrich
10. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

People Trends
1. Jim DeMint + 149.72 %
2. Rahm Emanuel + 133.50 %
3. Michael Steele + 81.61 %
4. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad + 81.61 %
5. Manuel Zelaya + 81.61 %
6. Harry Reid + 70.26 %
7. Newt Gingrich + 61.44 %
8. Joe Biden + 45.29 %
9. Hugo Chavez + 45.29 %
10. Mitch McConnell + 36.21 %

The Overnights provides journalists and others quick “Track & Trend” insights into the top issues being covered by the conservative blogosphere nationwide on a daily basis.

Containing vital statistics about issue/newsmaker coverage and commentary from the more than 74,000 members of the bloggers coalition, The Overnights reveals at a glance, What’s Hot, What’s Not, What’s on its Way, and What’s had its Day.

In addition, The Overnights allow readers to quickly access blogs from across the country written on the issues and newsmakers in order to get a first-hand feel for what is actually being said. For a complete compendium of conservative blogs – by Issue and State, changing constantly throughout the day – readers can go directly to

The Overnights’ Track & Trend stats are gathered daily between 5:00 and 8:00 PM, EST – and are sent promptly at 9:00 PM, EST each evening.
