Could Rinker/Cemex still pass

If Jack Nobles, Marty Donovan or any councilman is able to bring the Rinker/Cemex lease back up for a vote, there is a chance it could pass.

Right now – Nobles, Donovan and Jewel Cannada-Wynn are in favor of the lease.

Mayor John Fogg, Mike DeSorbo, Mike Wiggins, PC WU and Sam Hall are against it – which means it would not have enough votes to pass on Thursday. However, Wu seemed to be shakey on his vote and Sam Hall may change his mind after he talks with his constiuents.

We don’t know where Ron Townsend and John Jerralds. Traditionally the African-American council members have supported the Port because several of the port dock hand positions are held by African-Americans.

If Wu or Hall waiver, the port will have a new tenant ….an old one under a different name.