Council Considers CMPA Seats

The Pensacola City Council tomorrow will be considering candidates for two seats on the Community Maritime Park Associates Board of Trustees.

Two weeks ago, members of council indicated they might be looking to downsize the CMPA board. Councilman Larry B. Johnson said that 14 members was too many, suggesting eight or nine members would be more appropriate.

On a 5-4 vote, council tabled approving two candidates under consideration. A few days later, on an 8-1 vote, they decided to reconsider the appointments.

During Tuesday’s Committee of the Whole, city council will consider the two candidates put forth by Councilwoman Sherri Myers.

Myers has nominated Mark Taylor, who has real estate and contracting experience, and Fred Gunther, who serves on the CMPA’s Operation and Audit Committee. If approved, these candidates will be filling the seats of Myers and Dick Baker, respectively.

Council’s COW meeting begins at 3:15 tomorrow at Pensacola City Hall.
