Council has 56 applicants for executive position

city council
The application period for the new Pensacola City Council executive closed on June 15.

At a council workshop held June 24 at Airport Conference Room, consultant Al Coby told the council that 56 people submitted applications.

“From the applications I have gone over, there are 35 that do not meet your minimum qualifications,” Coby said. “There are military officers who have leadership experience, just not the experience you are looking for. There are 15 applicants who have some experience, who maybe a choice. Only six are highly qualified, four out of them I would recommend for an interview.”

He told the Council that they can expect to receive the package of applications around the middle of July. A selection committee, comprised of Council President Andy Terhaar, Coby and a member of the Hayward administration, will review the applications and create a list of finalists for the council to consider.

Coby told the the council to email him the names of any applicants they would like to see on the finalist list. If he gets emails from five council members with that same name, he will be sure they are included on the list.