Council President emails delayed

I was copied on the following email that I received at 7:59 a.m.:

From: “Maren Deweese” <>
Date: August 11, 2011 7:59:36 AM CDT
To: “Ericka Burnett” <>
Cc: <>
Subject: SPAM-LOW: FW: Public Records Request

Good Morning,

I am now able to review the harvest that was to be forwarded based on our conversation yesterday.

The harvest of 29 emails is not attached to Sherry Posey’s email.

Please advise,  I will be available for a few hours this morning to review once received or contact me via my cell phone to let me know when they will be forwarded so I can leave the conference to review the 29 emails and release them.

Long night driving til 3am but finally here.

best regards,

The paper expanded its record request to include all 29 emails that the Council President is reviewing.