Rick's Blog

Council President seeks full council input on Hayward veto of budget analyst

From Pensacola Council President Brian Spencer:

Mayoral Veto of #17-00186 Hiring of a Budget Analyst

Although requests have been made of me as Council President to provide an opinion on the Mayoral veto of the City Council’s action regarding the hiring of a Budget Analyst, I do not feel it is appropriate to do so at this time.

I believe that this matter may prove to be a complex legal issue requiring the advice and opinion of outside legal Counsel in order to assist the City Council in determining the appropriate course of action. I do not feel it is appropriate for me to unilaterally make such a decision without the majority consent of City Council.

I further believe this matter has the potential of far reaching implications that extend beyond the hiring of a Council Staff member. Thus, the City Council should address this issue as a body, not as individuals expressing individual opinions prior to a meeting of the entire Council. I will be submitting this item as an agenda item for discussion at the April 10, 2017 Agenda Conference.

Until such time as we meet, I will be making no further statement in an effort to avoid any appearance of a Sunshine violation.

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