County administrator candidate resigned last week

Randy Oliver,the City Manager for Peoria, Ill. resigned last week. Oliver is a finalist for the Escambia County job.

Here is what the blog “The Peoria Chronicle” has to say:

Randy Oliver held a press conference today to announce his resignation as Peoria City Manager effective February 15. No council members nor the Mayor were in attendance. When asked why he’s leaving, he responded by saying, “I have other things I want to do.” When asked “what other things,” he said “consulting.” Later in the conference he elaborated, saying that he used to do consulting work and enjoyed it, but it required him to travel a lot. Since he had young children at the time, all the traveling wasn’t so good. Now that his kids are grown, his wife can travel with him when he does consulting work.

Read the entire post and see his resignation letter: Peoria Chronicle
