County commission delays county administrator decision until noon tomorrow

For three and a half hours, the Escamabia County Commission listened to its five finalists for the county administrator position and deliberated who should replace George Touart. A motion to simply name interim administrator Larry Newsom failed, 2-3, but he still is in contention.

The other three that are being considered are Jack Brown, county administrator for Taylor County, Fla.; Jack Weaver, attorney from Myrtle Beach, SC; and Albert Penska. County manage, Adams County, PA. Ted Lakey and Bill Reynolds were not among the top picks of any of the commissioners.

Gene Valentino and Grover Robinson had Brown as their top pick. Wilson Robertson ranked Weaver No. 1. Steven Barry had Brown and Weaver at top of his list. Lumon May added Penske to the mix.

At the request of the Chairman May, the board agreed to delay the decision to Friday noon. He said he wanted more time to reflect on the finalists and to meet with Larry Newsom.

The discussion over the motion regarding Newsom was heated at time. Robertson made the motion and Valentino seconded. They both said that they had compared Newsom to all five finalists and believe the interim administrator was the most qualified.

“I’m a firm believer of promoting from within,” said Robertson. “Larry didn’t apply because he would never apply against his boss (Touart).”

He said that Newsom had an excellent relationship with FDOT and knew all the issues facing the county–jail, ECUA, LOST and economic development.
