Rick's Blog

County should investigate illegal campaign tactics in District 2

During the GOP primary for Escambia County Commission District 2, voters received repeatedly automated phone calls attacking challenger Doug Underhill. The calls did not identify who paid for the phone calls. Then came the attack mailers against Underhill. Again the person or persons who paid for the mailers were not identified.

And this is not the first time such cowardly tactics have been used in Escambia County Commission races. Both Steven Barry and Lumon May and their families had to endure similar attacks in the 2012 election cycle.

It’s time the County Commission take a stand and ask the State Attorney and/or Attorney General Pam Bondi to investigate. Election laws need to be followed, and unless the culprits are uncovered, we will continue have such negative tactics pop up in Escambia County politics.

For the record, Commissioner Gene Valentino has denied any connection to the attacks on his opponent. Therefore, I expect him to make the motion for the investigation and for him to cooperate fully with the State Attorney’s office.

Good government starts with clean elections.

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