Critique of Democrats good

I received this email from one local Democrat:

Recently, there was an article in the In-Weekly asking if the locally Democratic Party can get their act together. Many Democrats probably wanted to offer some critiques and suggestions, but for the good of the party in an election year, they held back those comments. But, enough is enough.

This week the Democrats will have a private fund raiser in Pensacola. Some individuals will feel inclined to give some campaign contributions to the State Party while meeting the Democratic State Party Chair, Karen Thurman.

Several local Democrats would urge these individuals to think about giving to other organizations which are really working on voter and Democratic issues. We would also urge these well meaning Democrats who might contribute to hold the party accountable both locally and statewide.

Giving some funds every two years and not getting the local Democratic Party to conduct itself professionally, not allowing more Democrats to participate and turning some Democrats away, only hurts Democrats both locally and statewide. At present only about 20+ individuals hold the Democratic Party from being a greater impact locally. These well intention individuals don’t think of the larger picture, but try as they must, they continually do the same thing every two years. In 2004, there were more than 600+ local volunteers in the area campaigns.

If the local Democratic Party had developed many of those volunteers and contributors, they would have a continual source or funds and volunteers…. and more than the 38 committeemen/committeewomen that were elected to the local Democratic Party just after the Nov 2004 election. They lost an opportunity to grow the local Democratic Party significantly. Instead, they managed to turn some away from volunteering, contributing and possibly the Democratic Party.

If local professionals want to help the Democratic Party, you have to call for change along with that contribution. The status quo cannot continue. Make your contribution really count this year; bend the State Chair’s ear a little and also, shake the local Democratic Party Chair’s hand a little hard while strongly emphasizing ‘do the right thing with this contribution’ and make them grow the party. Local Democrats shouldn’t have to fight the local Party ‘to do the right thing’ just to volunteer.

‘John Q. Democrat’ anonymous

PS The local Democratic Party should be thankful that any critique is this generous. With their past behavior….this letter could be a great deal worse if other Democrats pitched in their 2 cents worth. There is probably a silent line stretching out to the beach of those who would really like to make some comments.
