Daily Beast picks Best Reads of the Week

From the revelations of a Pulitzer Prize-winning illegal immigrant to the hunt for the next Bin Laden, The Daily Beast picks the best journalism from around the web this week.

“A Dirty Business”
George Packer, The New Yorker

New York City’s top prosecutor takes on Wall Street crime.

“My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant”
Jose Antonio Vargas, The New York Times Magazine

A Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter writes about his illegal American Dream.

With Osama dead, U.S. intelligence is zeroing in on the remaining most-dangerous-terrorists alive, and one man is at the top of the list. Of the 18 terror attacks attempted in the United States over the past two years, Anwar al-Awlaki’s fingerprints are on eight of them. The moderate-turned-radical is eloquent, he is popular—and he’s American.

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