Daily Dose of Foley….from NY Times


A Hidden Life Behind Foley’s Public Persona

” Early on, he signaled to pages that he was willing to pay attention to them, though many members of Congress do not.

Matt Kummernuss, a page in 1996-97, recalls a group of pages going out before curfew and standing in front of Mr. Foley’s yellow town house near their dorm, trying to work up the courage to knock on his door.”


Meanwhile, Foley claims he was abused by clergyman when he was a teen. David Clohessy, director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), challenges Foley to name his abuser so that the clergyman can be prosecuted.

Kirk Fordham, a former chief of staff for former Rep. Mark Foley, said Wednesday that House Speaker Dennis Hastert’s office knew about reports of Foley’s “inappropriate behavior” far earlier than Hastert’s office has acknowledged.
