Rick's Blog

Daily newspaper circulation figures

Total Average Paid Circulation for News Journal based on the averages for the six months ended 3/31/2011: Monday-Friday 44,607 Sunday 59,779

According to Wikipedia, the daily newspaper had a daily circulation of 63,351 and a Sunday circulation of 80,954 in 2004. If that number is true, then the PNJ has lost over 30 percent of its daily paid circulation and 26 percent of its Sunday circulation over the past 7 years.

There is a bright spot—the trend as been upward since Sept 2009 for the Sunday edition and since 2010 for daily average:

Avg. Daily
Sept 2009 43,763
Sept 2010 41,573
Mar 2011 44,607

Sept 2009 58,719
Sept 2010 59,030
Mar 2011 59,779

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