Daily Outtakes: Childers sends May a new, higher invoice

Yesterday, County Clerk Pam Childers sent Commissioner Lumon May a new invoice for yard debris, claiming she based it on the grand jury report. This is odd since she had the grand jury report in her possession when she mailed the first invoice on July 9.

Two weeks later, Childers has a new amount owed, $7,412.76.

Commissioner Lumon May’s attorney, Eric Stevenson, challenged the invoice. “This ‘revised invoice’ is based upon the same bogus work orders as the original. Any revisions should have reflected a decrease in time due to the fraudulent time records.”

“The letter accompanying the new invoice states that it is based upon knowledge from the Grand Jury report,” Stevenson said. “The Grand Jury, which cleared Commissioner May of wrongdoing, recommended that he pay the County for the work done on his property. It did not compute an amount, nor did it direct the Clerk to compute one.”

He continued, “Because the Clerk’s revised invoice ignores the false time records, we can assume that the remainder of the invoice is also untrustworthy. The old legal maxim falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus applies. Commissioner May has asked the County to compute the time and resources its employees expended. He will pay the amount the County computes and will not pay the amount for this new invoice.”

What if Childers sues for payment? The attorney said he looked forward to a jury trial.




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