Rick's Blog

Daily Outtakes: Children’s Trust meets today

The Escambia Children’s Trust board meets today at 5:30 p.m. in the county commission chambers.

Here is the agenda:

I. Call to Order (Tori Woods)
II. Welcome New Board Member and Staff Member (Tori Woods)
III. Roll Call (Alma Ellis)
IV. Pledge of Allegiance (Commissioner May)
V. Approval of Agenda (Tori Woods)

VI. Approval of Minutes (Tori Woods) 1
Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board approve the Minutes of the June 11, 2024, Regular Board Meeting, as presented.

VII. Treasurer’s Report (David Peaden) 2
Financial Report – Month Ending May 31, 2024
Recommendation: The Finance and Operations Committee recommends the filing of Financial Report – Month Ended May 31, 2024, as presented.

VIII. Public Comments

IX. Business
1. Programs
A. Lamplighters Project PRIDE Budget Amendment (Lindsey Cannon) 3
Recommendation: The Program Committee recommends approval of the Amended Budget for Lamplighters Project PRIDE as presented.

2. Operations
A. Healthy Schools Escambia Review Committee (Lindsey Cannon) 4/5/6
Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the following individuals to serve on the Healthy Schools Escambia ITB Review Committee:
• Tori Woods – Board President
• David Williams – Board Member
• Lynsey Listau -Previously Approved Reviewer
• Joel Hollon – new
• Terri Marshall – new

Healthy Schools Escambia has an RFP due July 29. It’s built on the CDC Healthy Schools concept. Local providers of health services, social services, and afterschool services are to apply for funding to design, implement, and operate a partnership model over the course of five years in six to ten Escambia County Schools identified through data as residing in the local corridors of concern.

Awards made through this ITB will create, enhance, or expand direct services and efforts to serve children and youth in underserved schools and communities. The project period will be up to 60 months, beginning on or after September 1, 2024, and going through no later than June 30, 2029.

This project is centered on the first two schools selected for the project, O.J. Semmes Elementary and Global Learning Academy.

The RFP doesn’t state how much has been budgeted for the the program.


X. Executive Director’s Report (Lindsey Cannon)
XI. Guest Speaker Presentation – Escambia Connects
XII. Legal Report (Meredith Bush, Esq.)
XIII. Adjournment


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