Rick's Blog

Daily Outtakes: IMPACT makes impact

IMPACT 100 Pensacola Bay Area selected 11 grant recipients at its annual membership meeting yesterday.

“Again, this year, hundreds of IMPACT 100 members participated in the Focus Area Committee selection process to review each grant application, conduct site visits to all applicants, and select finalists from each Focus Area Committee,” said Kristin Longley, President of IMPACT 100 Pensacola Bay Area. “We are so thankful for our members who participated and to our volunteer Board. Their dedication and hard work enable IMPACT 100 to continue serving the community we love while investing each dollar of our $1000 membership directly to deserving nonprofit organizations.”

Why this matters: With 1,192 members this year, IMPACT 100 was able to award $108,364 each to eleven nonprofit organizations in our community for a total impact of over One Million Dollars! Since its inception, IMPACT 100 Pensacola Bay Area has awarded over $16 million in grants to worthy nonprofits serving Pensacola Bay Area communities.

Dig Deeper:

Pensacola Children’s Chorus, Inc. dba Pensacola Children’s Chorus
STEP BOLDLY: Building Confidence with a Reliable Performance Stage

The Santa Rosa Band of the Lower Muscogee, Inc. dba Santa Rosa Creek Band
Traditional Council Roundhouse

Santa Rosa County 4-H Association dba Santa Rosa County 4-H
To Make the Best Better: Finish the 4-H Field Education Facility

Umbrella Learning Academy Corp. dba Umbrella Learning Academy
ULA Gives Kids a Life

Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge, Inc. dba Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge
Near to Nature: Environment Education “Wild Pursuits” Nature Clubhouse

Ocean Hour, Inc. dba Ocean Hour
Improving Sustainability in Our Pensacola Parks

Children in Crisis, Inc.
Wheels of Impact

Valerie’s House, Inc. dba Valerie’s House Pensacola
Build for Valerie’s House Pensacola Permanent Location: The Kitchen Is The Heart of a Home

Center for Independent Living of Northwest Florida, Inc. dba CIL of Northwest Florida
MILES Project (Mobile Independent Living Education and Services-Health and Wellness)

Health and Hope Clinic, Inc. dba Health and Hope Clinic
Building Health and Wellness for our Community

Santa Rosa Kids’ House, Inc. dba Santa Rosa Kids’ House
Healing: The Experience


More Esport Grant

The Escambia County School District offered more explanations about the $1.5 million DoD grant to support esports teams at Bailey, Beulah, Brown-Barge, and Ransom Middle Schools; Escambia, Tate, and West Florida High Schools.

1) DoDEA did not choose the focus of the grant – we did based on interest at our schools, college and career readiness skills, scholarship opportunities, and the multiple positive social emotional impacts.
2) Esports is one of the fastest (if not the fastest) growing sports in high schools across the country
3) The schools included in DoDEA grants have a minimum of 10% military-connected students enrolled (Based on FTE Survey data)
4) School location has nothing to do with their eligibility
5) Gaming will help students interested in the military prepare both technically and tactically


More Bad Polling News for DeSantis

Telephone 1 2

The latest Emerson College Polling Center poll found that Gov. Ron DeSantis had only 8% support among voters for the GOP Primaries.

Why this matters: DeSantis now running neck and neck with Nikki Haley.

Dig Deeper: The survey of 1,578 voters carried out Oct. 16 and 17 with a 2.4% margin of error showed that support for DeSantis had slumped four points, from 12% in September, while Haley’s had risen from 3%. Backing for Trump this month is unchanged at 59% as he remains the only GOP candidate with support in double figures.

Read “DeSantis handed brutal news by poll.”


CareerSource Appointment

On Friday, I broke the news that Pensacola Mayor D.C. Reeves had been appointed to the CareerSource Florida Board. He is one of only two new appointments to the board – other being Ryan Goertzen with AAR Corporation, a defense contractor.

The others are reappointments that have been on the board for years.

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