Pensacola Mayor D.C. Reeves sent a letter to U.S. Sen. Rick Scott and congressional leaders asking for help with TSA at the Pensacola International Airport.
He wants them to get the Transportation Security Administration to add more transportation security officers to staff the airport’s security line.
“The bottom line is that PNS does not have the necessary TSA resourcing to meet demand, resulting in longer than expected wait times, missed lights and a less than effective airport operation.” – Mayor Reeves.
Dig Deeper: Last year, TSA upgraded equipment at the airport, but the upgrade hasn’t reduced the wait long lines as the airport hits record travel numbers month after month.
“Anecdotally, with four security lanes/equipment available, it is not uncommon to see queuing lines extending outside of the terminal queuing space with one or two of the security lines being manned and operated.” – Reeves
Read Senator Scott.
Only in Century
On NorthEscambia.com: Century Mayor Luis Gomez, Jr. reported an entire park playground had been stolen, but the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office determined that no crime was committed.
Gomez told the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office that he went to the Carver Community Center on Jefferson Avenue on April 8 and noticed that the playground equipment, basketball goals and poles, and the handrails from the building were gone. He said the playground was there the prior day because he saw children playing and be believed it was stolen between 10 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. Gomez said the metal was removed using a torch, according to an incident report.