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Daily Outtakes: Salzman calls for death of all Palestinians?

On Tuesday, State Rep. Angie Nixon tearfully tried to convince her fellow lawmakers to support a ceasefire in Gaza. She asked how many dead Palestinians would be enough.

Escambia County’s Rep. Michelle Salzman shouted, “ALL OF THEM.”

She later backed up her flippant, attention-getting outburst on Twitter where she tried to soft-pedal her comment – but still not denying she shouted “ALL OF THEM.”

On Tuesday, I was proud to stand with my colleagues in absolute solidarity with Israel’s right to defend itself. I also commented that every single terrorrist that attacked Israel and triggered this war should be eliminated – ALL OF THEM. Hamas are the ones responsible for all the death on both sides of this conflict. I will continue to call out the brutal attack and continue to fight against the rise in anti-semitism in our state.

Of course, that didn’t stem the tide of international criticism for the two-term lawmaker who won the elections and campaign donors because she was seen to be less radical than Mike Hill.

From the UK, The Independent had the clip with this:

Florida state representative Angie Nixon was in tears as she made an emotional plea for an Israel-Gaza ceasefire.

The Jacksonville Democrat called for a de-escalation of violence in Gaza during a session in the Florida Senate, which ended in a 104-2 vote against her resolution.

“We are at 10,000 dead Palestinians, how many will be enough?” Ms Nixon asked.

“One of my colleagues just said all of them, wow,” she continued, referencing a comment made by Republican representative Michelle Salzman in the chamber.

More commentary:

Rep. Salzman tried to clean up her statement with another Tweet yesterday afternoon, saying, “I am so incredibly sorry for even the slightest of suggestions that I would want an entire community erased.”

She added, “My comments were unapologetically towards the Hamas regime–I NEVER said Palestine.”

However, Rep. Nixon wasn’t talking about Palestine and Salzman didn’t shout, “All of Hamas.”

Here is her spin:


Last night, CBS News reported that Israel has agreed to daily 4-hour humanitarian pauses in northern Gaza. Read more.

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