Rick's Blog

Daily Outtakes: Jones Swamp eviction delayed

The deputies didn’t evict the homeless families living on Area Housing land in the Jones Swamp yesterday as had been previously reported.

It was the intervention of Escambia County Commission Chairman Lumon May, not Opening Doors that is responsible for guiding homeless strategies in the community, that stopped the removal of the families and individuals- some of whom have been living on the land for several years while holding down jobs.

Commission May has placed the discussion of the land’s future on the next board meeting of the Area Housing Commission. He is concern about how the eviction decision was made and where the families can be relocated.

Maybe Opening Doors – the nonprofit in charge of the Continuum of Care – can develop a recommendation before the meeting.

Point-in-Time Count

A Continuum of Care is a regional or local planning body that coordinates housing and services funding for homeless families and individuals.

CoCs are tasked to track and manage the homeless community in their area. One of most important activities entrusted to CoCs is the annual count of the homeless population and an annual enumeration of emergency systems, transitional housing units, and beds that make up the homeless assistance systems.

Last year, Escambia County and Community Health joined forces to improve the count because it was suspected that Opening Doors’ previous counts were too low. The 2023 count was up 62%. Read more.

Inweekly received this email from Opening Doors about the 2024 count yesterday:

2024 Point-in-Time Count
Committee Lead – Committee Member

Friday November 3rd, 2024 is the last day to register

for a PIT Committee Lead/Member position.

Count on me! We’re kicking off our community’s Point-in-Time Count (PIT), and we want you to join us in making the 2024 census the best in history for Pensacola, Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties CoC.
This census survey is conducted annually in the last 10 days of January. Volunteers like you have the opportunity help coordinate this week-long event to meet with our unhoused neighbors, provide a little kindness through care bags, and help our community collect valuable information to bring awareness about their needs.
We can’t spell success without Y.O.U.
The PIT Count Committee plays a vital role in conducting a successful PIT Count. The Committee helps the PIT Count Lead with development, planning, and deployment of key components leading up to this week-long event of service.
Ideal Committee Lead and Committee Members
We are looking for a diverse group of volunteers who will be the backbone of the 2024 PIT Count. Committee members should understand the purpose of PIT and desire to help the CoC bring together a committee full of talent, expertise, and leadership.
  • Media and Publicity
  • Donations and Incentives
  • Youth, Students, and Families
  • Veterans
  • Street Outreach
  • Known-Locations
  • Time Commitment
  • Count preparation: Up to 10 hours per month from November through January.
Must be available on the week of PIT (January 22, 2024 to January 28, 2024) to address any issues that arise and coordinate volunteers.
Contact Serene Keiek 850-741-4616 or email; serenek@openingdoorsnwfl.org
for questions or concerns.
PIT Committee Lead and/or Committee Member Sign-Up Form
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