Daily Outtakes: Tim Smith’s passion

School Superintendent Tim Smith didn’t sit quietly while he waited for Escambia County School Board members Paul Fetsko, Kevin Adams, and David Williams to fire him. His passionate words have resonated throughout the district and county.

Why it matters: Smith gives a peek at the political intrigue behind the scenes.

Tim Smith addressing Board Chairman Paul Fetsko:

“I think through this entire process where we’ve been on shaky ground is some of your statements that have made have impacted the trust factor from Charter Schools USA. That’s my view of it.

“But as we’ve spoken, I’m the superintendent, so I am responsible for it all. I am, however, not responsible for you…These situations happened. You are the chairman, but yet you don’t take responsibility. It’s not your fault, it’s my fault. There’s a pattern here.

“Some people are just dividers. You have been divisive. Both of you have been out. It started in the fall, it continued in February. You’ve been plotting, evidently behind the scenes. You’ve got people who come and speak.”

Kevin Adams’ ban policy:

“We can go after example, after example, the books. Mr. Adams, you sat in that chair and led this board through a process to come up with a policy.

We had a conversation with general counsel –  Keinv, ‘Superintendent take the books: I don’t like the books. As a high school principal, I’d go pull that book.’ General counsel said, ‘I will not recommend that because that’s not in the intent of the law.’

But you hammer away, ‘Oh, the superintendent should pull these books.’ Why? Because you don’t want to deal with it. You get the emails, you get the phone calls, you get the chaos. But yet, it’s easy to throw the superintendent under the bus. It’s your policy that you led and you are asking me to violate your policy. What is that?

“Mr. Festko, the other day, I believe you said some laws need to be violated because you said the same thing. You wanted me to pull the books. (Fetsko tried to respond but Smith cut him off) Don’t slippery out of this, I don’t want to hear it. Don’t slippery out of this. I don’t need to spin.”

A Toxic District

“Our communication patterns really haven’t changed since last year. Same practices, but I’ll take your note. Certainly not perfect. Certainly have room to grow. Don’t deny that. My own self-evaluation, I mark myself as unsatisfactory in one of the areas. Don’t disagree with that, but your divisiveness there…

“I’m telling you there’s something bad that exists here. There’s something toxic that exists here. You all want to fire me. I think the answer would be for the two of you to resign your positions really.

“What’s the difference? Is it you or me, right? I guess you outnumber me. If you care about the kids, as you have said, we need to do things right, but to undermine and constantly seek to get me out…

“One of the things that is very troubling, we live in a time where there is divisiveness. Do you ever wonder why the mental health needs of our kindergartners and our first-graders has spiked? You don’t wonder about that because you don’t know that probably.


“I’ve spoken to the principals who you’ve implied don’t feel I lead them. I’m going to disagree with you on that because I’ve been out in the schools. I’ve talked with the principals. I know what’s going on in the schools.

“But do you know why mental health has spiked for kindergartners, first-graders, second-graders? That’s anecdotal. Because I talked with the principals. I don’t have the answer, but I don’t think a divided society were we hide behind our computer screens and we judge everybody and we speak words of condemnation left and right is very healthy. There’s a lot of toxic stuff going on.

“How much poison has dripped on that podium over the past six months – it’s been extensive. It’s been ridiculous actually.”

A Calling

“We’re about kids and I’m going to tell you this, I thought it was a miracle. I’m going to tell you, I watched, when I was selected, I watched the process and I’m going to tell you, I thought it was a miracle because I didn’t think I was going to be selected as the process was progressing.

“But then it happened and I really feel that I was called to be here. Now, I don’t know how long I was supposed to be called here. Obviously not too long. But as I walk out, well, if this boat goes the way it appears it’s going to go, I will hold my head up high because I have invested, my wife has been an amazing, loyal individual and sacrificed, gave up her dream job in Orlando to do this and at least I can put my head on the pillow, that I said I put everything I could into it.

I fear for the future of this district, and I’m just going to say it. I don’t think this board, I think both of us, if you were to look at ratings on how our community perceives us, me and you, it’s not very good. There are problems, but the research says if we’re not united, the school district will not move forward.”

What People Are Saying

Whenever political turmoil exists, rumors fly at The Coffee Cup, CJ’s Kitchen, The Well, and End of the Alley. The turmoil created by Escambia County School Board- particularly Chairman Paul Fetsko, Kevin Adams, and David Williams – has generated plenty of buzz.

Why it matters: A little truth lies behind most political rumors. Here are some of the top ones shared –

  • Fetsko and Adams orchestrated the Warrington Middle-Charter Schools USA debacle to create a reason to fire Superintendent Tim Smith.
  • The new school board power trio will try to delay any search for a new school superintendent for two years, claiming the school district needs to settle down to attract candidates.
    • The move would allow Leonard to build his power base in the district administration, eliminate any potential challengers and give time for District 5 to elect a Leonard supporter in 2024 to replace Bill Slayton.
  • Williams had several grudges against Smith regarding his time after he left as Pensacola High School principal – including being passeed over the deputy superintendent post.
  • The district has more qualified interim candidates than Keith Leonard – who has a bachelor’s and was appointed by Malcolm Thomas in the last month’s his tenure.
    • Deputy Superintendent Dr. Shenna Payne is #2 administrator, has a doctorate, former principal at West Florida and was Florida PTA high school principal of the year.
    • Williams tried to nominate Dr. Micheal Roberts,the former Washington High principal and new director of middle school education for the district, but he apparently didn’t understand how to amend Fetsko’s motion.

Late to the Party

On Tuesday, May 16, the Moms for Liberty gave the Santa Rosa County School Board its list of books that it wants to be removed from school libraries.

Why it matters: The Escambia County School Board is being sued for banning books. Maybe Santa Rosa will be added to the federal lawsuit.

Dig Deeper: According to the chapter’s leader, Mariya Calkins, the books contain “racist commentary and misrepresentations of racism and history, contains graphic illustrations involving sexual nudity, sexuality and alternate genders, excessive profanity sexual activities, illegal drug use, alcohol use; sexual assault, child molestation and abuse graphic violence, incest and profanity.”

Their determination is based on the website BookLook.Info. Free speech advocates claim the website appears to be an objective measure of a book’s content, mirrored after movie ratings, is anything actually a tool developed by Moms For Liberty being used to push their agendas.”

“I am a mother of an elementary school-aged child, and these findings are what makes our fight so real,” said Calkins in a press release to the media. “These horrible books are not just somewhere in woke San Fransisco; they are here in Santa Rosa County School Libraries.”

She added, “Moms for Liberty Santa Rosa County Chapter is rapidly growing with motivated parents and teachers who are willing to dedicate their time and efforts to advocate for our public education because our children’s future is at stake.”

Here is their report: SPREADSHEET Book investigation by school.