Rick's Blog

Daily Outtakes: Will anyone win Childers Trifecta?

We are approaching the one-month anniversary of Pam and Bruce Childers’ embarrassing performance in the emergency hearing that tried to force Bruce Childers onto the August primary ballot.

To catch up, read:

Gizmo* – Pensacola’s oldest altar boy and my bookie** – has been taking bets on what he calls the “Childers Trifecta.” Will the PNJ post three stories on the elected officials she has reviled for years – Commissioners Barry, Bergosh and May and Supervisor of Elections Robert Bender?  To win the Childers Trifecta, the PNJ must publish the three articles over the last seven days of July.

He may lose. On Wednesday, the postal newspaper published an article on Bergosh’s District 1 race. Childers is campaigning for Steven Stroberger against Bergosh.

On Thursday, the PNJ had an article on Childers sending Commissioner May a revised invoice on a yard debris incident that the grand jury and state attorney investigated and found no crime was committed – despite her best efforts.

Will the PNJ have a third article before August 1? Will it target Steven Barry or Robert Bender?

*Editor’s note: Gizmo is a fictional character.
**Editor’s note: No actual bets are being made.


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