Rick's Blog

Damn, Rubio leads Beruff by 60 points after only being in the race one week

In poll conducted by Associated Industries of Florida, Sen. Marco Rubio has 64 percentage point lead over challenger Carlos Beruff. Rubio announced his intent to run for re-eleciton last week.

Rubio crushes Beruff 71-7 percent, with 18 percent of voters undecided, according to survey. Fifty-five percent of Rubio supporters are “hard” supporters, while 16 percent are “leaning” toward voting for him.

The survey was conducted by TelOpinion Research for AIF, a Tallahassee-based non-profit that lobbies on business issues. The poll of 750 likely voters conducted June 27-28 has an error margin of plus-or-minus 4 percentage points.

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