Damn, Santa Rosa County commissioners break Sunshine

I’ve been delivered a set of emails that show that Santa Rosa County Commissioners Bob Cole and Gordon Goodin used their email accounts to discuss county business, which may be a violation of the state’s Sunshine Laws. Check these out and specifically see how the commissioners discuss votes and exchange opinions:

From: Commissioner Goodin
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 1:15 PM
To: Board of County Commissioners
Cc: Hunter Walker; Tom Dannheisser; Tony Gomillion; Roger Blaylock; Beckie Faulkenberry; Nancy Model; Ray Sansom (ray.sansom@myfloridahouse.gov)
Subject: Northwest Florida TPO

At our meeting two weeks ago, Commissioner Tucker and Commissioner Broxson asked FDOT for an explanation of the criteria to prioritize the TRIP funding process. It is being left to each TPO to develop their own criteria.

A follow-up question asked what criteria District 3 was using to prioritize projects, and who would select the projects that would receive funding. The individual answering was not aware of any criteria District staff would use. A committee of District staff and Secretary Prescott will meet and make the selections.

Another follow-up question asked if the selections would be made in public, similar to the meetings in the Sunshine the TPO’s are required to hold. Commissioner Tucker received the attached explanation. So much for placing the TRIP funding process in the Sunshine! Makes you wonder if it is worth getting wrapped around the flagpole fighting for (and defending) our projects when District 3 can make their decisions with little oversight or accountability.


Gordon Goodin
Santa Rosa County Commissioner, District 4

From: Commissioner Cole
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 2:07 PM
To: Commissioner Goodin
Subject: RE: Northwest Florida TPO

Sound like how they decided to back up Avalon Blvd. Maybe there is a dart board somewhere we do not know about????

Commissioner Bob Cole
Chairman Santa Rosa County BOCC


From: Commissioner Goodin
To: Michelle Parker
CC: Commissioner Cole ; Commissioner Salter ; Commissioner Stewart ; Commissioner Broxson ; Hunter Walker ; Tom Dannheisser ; Roger Blaylock
Sent: Wed May 31 14:07:22 2006
Subject: RE: FW: Escambia-Santa Rosa Regional Transportation Authority Meeting

I’m not sure if we want to rescind anything or not. If they’re going to pick up their toys and go home every time things don’t go their way- then maybe they should stay at the house.


Gordon Goodin
Santa Rosa County Commissioner, District 4


From: Commissioner Cole
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 5:13 PM
To: Commissioner Goodin
Subject: Re: FW: Escambia-Santa Rosa Regional Transportation Authority Meeting

How dose this effect the votes theyu have made since that date ?


From: Commissioner Goodin
To: Commissioner Cole
Sent: Wed May 31 17:30:17 2006
Subject: RE: FW: Escambia-Santa Rosa Regional Transportation Authority Meeting

The RTA hasn’t met since they withdrew their membership.


Gordon Goodin
Santa Rosa County Commissioner, District 4


From: Commissioner Cole
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 6:44 PM
To: Commissioner Goodin
Subject: Re: FW: Escambia-Santa Rosa Regional Transportation Authority Meeting

There is to dam many authorities with no authority.
