Dare-A-Thon Raises Money For Team Stolfi

Courtney Foote Fell, a Pensacola and Gulf Breeze community member is spearheading a DARE-A-THON to help raise money for her dear friend Michael Stolfi who is also a native of Pensacola, FL residing in Portland, OR who was diagnosed in early July with Grade 4 Astrocytoma brain cancer, the highest grade signifying very aggressive and malignant cells. Michael has undergone surgeries to remove the tumor found, but Michael will be undergoing chemo and radiation treatments for over a month, requiring expensive travel costs and extended hospital stays.

Courtney’s mission with her DARE-A-THON is to raise funds to help off-set these accrued costs as well as keep Michael’s and his family’s spirits lifted throughout this stressful time. Courtney created an event on facebook where she is required to perform daring random acts out in the community for donations raised through the campaign. People can donate and vote on the event page as well as create a dare for her to perform. The more money that is raised, the more votes counted, and the more embarrassing random acts will be performed, recorded, and posted on YouTube.

Courtney’s next dare will take place this Sunday, Sept. 2 at the Blue Wahoos baseball game. Details about the dare will not be released prior to the game.

Courtney’s DARE-A-THON will run through September 14 – to donate to Team Stolfi, please visit www.giveforward.com/teamstolfi. Visit Courtney’s DARE-A-THON facebook event page at www.facebook.com/#!/events/331572123602881/ which has a direct link to the fundraising site. For questions and ideas for dares, contact Courtney Fell at Courtney@waterboyz.com.
