Rick's Blog

Day of Caring has huge impact on Escambia County

Last Friday morning, United Way sent over 1,350 volunteers from local business and military commands to help with 103 projects at 66 agencies and schools in Escambia County.

“For me personally, Day of Caring is such an important initiative for our community as it connects volunteers and resources with projects in need that otherwise would continue to struggle,” says James Stinson of Ascend. “It’s amazing how one day can transform a project in need to a useful, productive asset. It’s rewarding to know at the end of the day, we made a lasting impression on those we touch.”

Stinson was part of 20 Ascend Performance Materials volunteers who worked to clean up the nature trail at Escambia Westgate School. Their project, which actually began several days before the Day of Caring, helped make the trail more suitable for student use.

Day of Caring Volunteers served an estimated 8,100 hours of service valued at $179,415. Additionally, their donations of materials, supplies, and collections for wish-list drives will add up to several thousand more when added to the effort.

“Day of Caring is one of our favorite initiatives because we get to see our mission in action,” says Andrea Krieger, United Way’s President/CEO. “When we are united in our efforts to make Escambia County a better place for all of our residents, the result is incredible! We’re a blessed community.”

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