Day of Prayer for Law Enforcement, Aug. 20

Church members from throughout the community are planning to meet outside the Pensacola Police Department Saturday, August 20 and pray for law enforcement personnel.

The non-denominational event is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. Saturday and last for approximately one hour at Police Headquarters, 711 N. Hayne St.

Organizers are hoping enough people will show up for the event that they can hold hands while standing around the outside of the building. People can stay as long as they like to pray not only for local law enforcement personnel but also for others nationwide.

In addition, organizers are hoping people unable to attend the event will set aside a few minutes during the day to pray for law enforcement personnel. And, as another way of showing support, people are encouraged to pray for an officer if they see one in public either by approaching the officer and asking if they can pray for them, or by saying a private prayer.
