DeLay lays out conservative agenda

Tom DelayFormer House Majority Leader Tom DeLay defines for us the Conservative Agenda (on Red State Blog ).

We conservatives believe in a society built on three first principles: Order, Justice and Freedom. These principles are the three legs of the stool upon which our society rests.

First, we must be able to protect our citizens and our allies from attack and ensure our domestic, national and international security.

Second, we must lead an effort to radically redesign government and return it to its constitutional roots. The problem with our government isn’t simply that it has gotten too big or that it spends too much – but that it is involved in aspects of our lives and our economy in which it has no business.

Thirdly, conservatives must fight for fundamental tax reform. While some progress has been made to reduce marginal tax rates, meaningful tax reform will only occur with a radically redesigned tax code.

Fourth, in order to achieve true justice, we must make every effort to reverse the culture of death that threatens the weakest and the most infirm among us.

Fifth, conservatives are united in their agreement that we must bring into check the powers of an increasingly imperial judiciary which seeks to manufacture, rather than interpret the law.

In 2004, the House Ethics Committee unanimously admonished DeLay for his actions related to a 2002 energy bill. A Committee memo stated that DeLay “created the appearance that donors were being provided with special access to Representative DeLay regarding the then-pending energy legislation.”

DeLay was indicted in 2005 by a Texas grand jury on criminal charges that he had conspired to violate campaign finance laws. He resigned from office April 2006. This year two of his former aides were convicted in the Jack Abramoff scandal. Apparently taking bribes and helping your corporate buddies get rich are okay under the conservative flag.

WIKIPEDIA lays it all out quite well – click Here
