Rick's Blog

Democratic Meet and Greet, Aug. 15

The Escambia County Democratic Executive Committee invites you to a Candidates Meet & Greet Democratic Fundraiser.

The Meet & Greet serves as an Escambia Democratic Party fundraiser to help us grow, organize, and engage voters and Democratic activists. Democratic candidates are the special guests for the evening.

List of candidates who will participate (as of August 12):

The evening will include heavy hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar. Crystal Joy Albert will grace us by performing on Picasso’s beautiful piano. Crystal has enjoyed a long career in music. She gained national acclaim performing in New York’s top clubs and has travelled throughout the U.S., Caribbean, and Europe as a musician, actor and director. She has served as Musical Director of the Pensacola Jazz Fest for the past 15 years and is currently Vice President of the Jazz Society of Pensacola.

Meet old and new friends and find out how you can take part in turning the Florida Panhandle BLUE! Let’s focus on our candidates as we move into the busiest part of the election season.

Please RSVP here and show your support today. Admission will also be accepted at the door (make checks payable to Escambia DEC).

The Meet & Greet is hosted by the Escambia County Democratic Executive Committee and is sponsored by Zarzaur Law. Learn more about the Zarzaur Law firm at zarzaurlaw.com

Picasso’s is a great location for our party! Learn more about Picasso’s at picassojazz.com

Map and directions to Picasso’s

Find the Democratic Candidates Meet & Greet on Facebook.
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