DeSantis, Scott ready to challenge Trump

News outlets are predicting Gov. Ron DeSantis and U.S. Senator Tim Scott (SC) will officially announce their presidential campaigns next.

Axios reports DeSantis will launch his 2024 presidential campaign on Wednesday in Miami, vowing to “Make America Florida.”

Why this matters: Florida lawmakers passed a bill allowing DeSantis and remain governor. Who will run state government while he’s traveling? Supporters point out that DeSantis has been on the road throughout his governorship, putting on media events almost daily and ensuring his name was in Florida newspapers constantly.

The bigger question: How will his anti-woke agenda and brand of freedom play on a national scale?

Sen. Tim Scott is expected to announce on Monday at his alma mater, Charleston Southern University. He plans to spend $6 million ad buy in Iowa and New Hampshire. The ads are scheduled to run through the first GOP presidential debate, in August.

Why this matters: The Republicans have four high-profile candidates – two from Florida, Trump and DeSantis, and two from South Carolina, Scott and Nikki Haley (former governor and UN ambassador).