DIB Annual Meeting notes

missingThe Pensacola Downtown Improvement Association held its annual meeting this morning at Heritage Hall. Two downtown businesses had their 50th Anniversary this year: Sam Marshall Architects, Jewelers Trade Shop.

Golden Bricks – for stellar renovations – Stillwaters Spa, Emmanuel Sheppard Condon Addition, Subway/Jack & Ron/Running Wild building, Jewelers Trade Shop, Escambia Courthouse Office Complex

Guest Speaker: David Feehan, President of the International Downtown Association. He opened with a few creative marketing slogans that other downtowns have used:

Austin: “Keep Austin Weird”

Cleveland: ” Who says we’re defensive?”

Detroit: “We’re not as dangerous as you think”

Flint: “Don’t even go there”

Mesa: “It’s not hell, but you can see it from here.”

Pittsburgh: “It’s like Paris but without all that French crap.”

Feehan made several good points in his Powerpoint presentation

Factors in Downtown Regeneration

  • Downtown management organization
  • Public-Private partnerships
  • Changing demographics
  • Decline in crime
  • Improving Public Spaces
  • Residential development

Elements of Successful Downtown

  • Office market
  • Dining & entertainment
  • Retail
  • Culture, arts & heritage
  • Residential development
  • Transportation & parking
  • Addressing social issues
  • Festivals & events

Keys to Revitalization

  • Shared values
  • Strategic plan
  • Organization
  • Sufficient resources
  • Set priorities
  • Consensus building & conflict resolution
  • Leadership