Rick's Blog

Disabled get raw deal in Pensacola

My name is Martin Horwit and I am an advocate for the disabled men and women in the City of Pensacola and the County of Escambia.  I use a wheel chair to get around everywhere!!!

The article about making Pensacola No. 1 is a wonderful idea.  That idea could be greatly expanded if one segment of the environment – the disabled – is included in any and all plans to make Pensacola No.1.

Did you know that this segment of the population has a huge amount of disposable income to use – for vacations, business, living etc.  As a disabled person, I would take one look at the sidewalks around the city and county and I would flee.  That’s just one example.  Try to find an apartment/house which is compatible with the needs of the disabled.  Try to find a compatible bathroom in the downtown area – ready to be used by a person in a wheel chair.  I have found many.  I have also had my wheel chair repaired a few too many times due to the wear and tear of the sidewalks and streets.

These are some of the examples of why this source of income to the city of Pensacola are being shortchanged.  The disabled are a very viable segment of the population – misunderstood, overlooked…..  I can’t say for myself, but they might even be big tippers.  They need a place in this community.

Maybe, when next you write about this subject you could investigate whether the property you are writing about are accessible to the disabled, that they can get to the property via a sidewalk cut, instead of riding to the corner and then back to the middle of the street in order to get home.  There are SO many issues other than the above that need to be addressed.  Maybe you can be one of many that are getting interested in this issue and can do something with the printed word and talking to the people involved in the issues, such as the Center for Independent Living.  Lots of information there.

Thank you for your patience in reading this long email.

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