Rick's Blog

Dishonest petition

If Marty Donovan truly wanted to stop the Community Maritime Park, then he should have had a petition drive in April or May. At the April 23 regular meeting of the Pensacola City Council, the Council unanimously approved the Development Agreement and Sub-Lease Agreement between CMPA and Maritime Park Development Partners ( here ). No one from the public spoke against the recommendation.—not even Marty.

Or he could have started a petition drive after the May 28 meeting in which the council approved the conditions precedent that completed the April 23 vote. Neither Donovan nor anyone from the public spoke out.

Or he could have started a petition drive after the April 8 meeting in which the council approved the financing plan. No one from the public objected then either.

Instead Marty chose to fight the bonds, the last step in the process after all agreements are signed and legally executed. Why? If it’s because he doesn’t like the financing plan, then he should have spoke up on April 8. If it’s only because he thinks the total amount $45,335,000 is too much, then he should be telling the voters that’s his objection. He should be honest with his group and tell them the park is going to be built, but we can vote to make the council change the bonds.

But that’s not what we’re getting from Marty Donovan – he wants to bring back the ballpark argument, blah, blah, blah —-all things that he could have petitioned against on April 23 or May 8.

Marty can not stop this park. He can delay it. He can cost the City millions, but the park has been approved and agreements executed. He can only make the city council approve another bond issue.

Marty has a dishonest petition. It’s not about the bonds, it’s about him and his manipulation of that element of the community that never wanted the park. It’s a small group – can’t win a referendum or get him elected – but it’s enough for him to resurrect his political career while costing the city millions and hurting his enemies.

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