Don’t spend the beach tax dollars yet

The $9 million-plus that Escambia County is reportedly owed by Portofino Towers condo owners is just that owed … and unpaid. It may take a while to collect because some of those owners are going to have trouble coming up with $30,000 to $40,000. So the county commission shouldn’t rush to reduce millage just yet…. I know this isn’t what most people want to hear.

Also there is the issue of the MSBUs that the condo owners have paid, in lieu of property taxes, for police, fire and mosquito control. Should those be refunded?

In the future, if the leasehold improvements will be taxed. the MSBUs and some of the commercial leases will need to be reconsidered. Otherwise, owners could be taxed several times for essentially the same services.

This issue isn’t simple and needs to be analyzed better by the county.
