Downtown Technology Park Progress Report

Park set to be completed August 1. Admiral Mason Pond is expected to be completed July 16.

PBS&J Project Manager: Gregory Allen, P.E. / David Haight, AICP
Park and Landscape Design: Bruce Brodsky
PEDC Project Manager: Bridgette Price
PBS&J Principal: Jeff C. Helms, P.E.
Reporting Period: March 19, 2011 – April 19, 2011
Percentage of work completed: 100% Design, 93.96% Overall with Post Design Tasks

Describe activities performed during reporting period:
• Continued review of shop drawings/submittals/RFI’s from the contractor.
• Held weekly progress meetings, conducted periodic inspections of work in progress,
and conducted Wage Rate Interviews.
• Received/reviewed pay requests and change order proposals from contractor.
• Attended PEDC Board meeting March 21, 2011 to discuss change order approval
• Assisted in submitting change order proposals #4, 5, and 6 to EDA
• 9th Avenue re-opened March 29, 2011.
• Fabre reviewing shop drawings and making site visits on the Admiral Mason Park

Provide a schedule for the work to be performed next period work:
• Continue responding to RFI’s, reviewing Pay Requests and Change Order Proposals,
conducting progress meetings, and Wage Rate Interviews.
• Continue shop/submittal review and approval.
• Continue to coordinate with Fabre Engineering and the City regarding Admiral
Mason Park.
• Continue to coordinate with Cynthia Williams regarding the EDA process.
Remaining Scope Task Schedule:

Task Estimated Completion Date
Begin Construction Downtown Technology Campus 11/21/2010
Begin Construction Admiral Mason Pond 1/17/2011
End Construction Downtown Technology Campus 8/1/2011
End Construction Admiral Mason Pond Tentative 7/16/2011

Describe any problems or circumstances affecting completion date, milestones, scope of
work or costs:
• None at this time.

Activities that require PEDC review or action:
• Continue coordination with EDA.
• Approve/Process Pay Requests, and Review/Approve Change Order Proposals.
