ECUA figures out recycling

Emerald Coast Utilities Authority board will vote Thursday on whether to offer curbside recycling to its 62,500 residential customers in its garbage pickup area. Two board members, Elvin McCrovey and Larry Walker have already told the daily newspaper that they are against it.

ECUA’s Citizens Advisory Committee failed to approve it by a 6-6 vote at its April 16 meeting so this may not be an easy approval on Thursday.

According to the PNJ:

As proposed, it would cost customers about 60 cents less than the $18.86 a month they now pay for garbage pickup, ECUA executive director Steve Sorrell said.

The plan would be mandatory. Customers would get one 90-gallon can for once-a-week household trash collection and another 90-gallon can for once-a-week recycling pickup. Recyclables of plastics, metals and paper would go into the can together. To recycle glass, customers would have to use dropoff bins now in place throughout the county.
