Rick's Blog

ECUA upset with IN…and me

At yesterday’s Leadership Pensacola session, ECUA officials made it clear they aren’t happy with the IN. The fact is ECUA is the least open of all our local government agencies. You can’t find the current budget on their website. They have pdf files on their meeting agendas, but none of the supporting or back-up materials. The latest Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Water Quality Report are dated 2008. They don’t post any of their well test results. The minutes for their meetings are only about six pages with no detail. In fact their meetings are held at 3 p.m. when most users work and the meetings aren’t televised. We hear that they are under budget for the relocation of the Main Street Sewage Treatment Plant but they give no update figures on the cost….only pretty pictures.

ECUA BOARD & STAFF: Instead of telling us what a good job that you are doing for the rate payers and how great the drinking water is, give us the data on your website and let us see and analyze it for ourselves. In this age of the Internet, there is no valid reason why ECUA lags behind Escambia County and Pensacola City Council in transparency.

….guess they won’t be happy with me next week either.

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