Rick's Blog

Elebash has history against Studer, Park

Retired UWF professor C.C. Elebash, who wrote a viewpoint yesterday calling for the City to not build the baseball park, has a long history of opposing the multi-use stadium and Pensacola Pelican owner and Studer Group CEO Quint Studer.

In 2006, we requested Pensacola City Councilman Marty Donovan’s emails regarding the Community Maritime Park. We found that Elebash was deeply involved in the Stop Our City campaign.

Here are two emails from Elebash in which he coaches Donovan and Charlie Fairchild on their performances at a city council meeting and on WSRE.

The message that Elebash tells them to stay on is “Studer, ballpark, the $100 million project, economic impact study, etc.”

Elebash very much wanted to make Studer an issue. Another interesting point is that Elebash discourages Donovan from talking about the Port of Pensacola and other issues that detract from their campaign against the park. It appears Elebash may also have a problem with UWF president John Cavanaugh.

From: “C.C. Elebash”
To: Marty Donovan
Sent: Saturday, January 28,2006 7:49 AM
Subject: Stay on “message”

Dear Marty and Charles: You both have been highly effective in the campaign to turn back the Trillium maritime park project. Victory is definitely possible. However you must “stay on message.” Both of you strayed away at the Thursday night Council meeting.

Marty, you got back on the port. That can wait until later. It is not a pressing issue.

Charles, you got off on some tangent about setting real estate prices “in perpetuity.”

The message is Studer, ballpark, the $100 million project economic impact study, etc. Please stay on it. You detract from the effort when you get off on other subjects. You could lose support for your Trillium position from those who oppose the port and from those who might think prices “in perpetuity” hard to digest. Please save those campaigns for another time.

Thanks to you both for all you have done to stop the Studer scheme. Opposition would never have firmed up without your efforts and talents.

Sincerely, CCE

From: “C.C.Elebash”
To: Marty Donovan; Charles Fairchild
Sent: Thursday, March 30,2006 6:49PM
Subiect: WSRE Program

Splendid performance by you both!!!

Lloyd Patterson is very biased.

I doubt that Cavanaugh will ever appear with you. You would “destroy” him. But,if he does, jam that economic impact study down his throat.


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