Rick's Blog

Election voting update

The voting has been steady in both Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, only slipping slightly from the early morning pace.

As of noon, 12,664 votes have been cast in Escambia; in Santa Rosa 8,934.

It looks like about 62,300 votes will be cast in Escambia, including Mail and Early voting, which would set the turnout at about 28%.

In Santa Rosa, we estimate 37,000 votes will be cast, projected turnout 26%.

In the city of Pensacola, 3,065 votes have been cast total votes. We updated our projection for the turnout for the city to be 38% – 15,669 total votes cast by 7 p.m. We will report again at 3 p.m.

Election Day Voting by City District:

District  Votes
1 437
2 290
3 552
4 637
5 373
6 532
7 244


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