Rick's Blog

Emails on Libyan rebellion

Libyan rebels continue to fight to close in on Tripoli and overthrow Gaddafi. A friend shared these emails with me. They are from an Libyan immigrant whose family is in the war-torn country:

On Aug 8, 2011 12:47 PM, wrote:

I am helpless to help so all I can do is pray and ask you all to Please say a little prayer for my family in Libya. They are fasting in the heat, long days, mostly with no power , tv, a/c or running water or refrigerator and no police with gunfire in the street, bombs falling at night and sometimes in the day, with no end in sight. : ( it just keeps getting worse for them. War is hell!!!!!!!!!!!!


Date: Wed, Aug 10, 2011 11:28 am

I just spoke with my family today and they said their power is on and off,
but they were in better spirits after getting some sleep after no
sleep for several days. The other night NATO bombed an ammunition dump
right near their house, and after the initial Huge boom, they said the
ammunition kept exploding for several hours. No sleep Monday night for
the whole city and Tuesday the city was clouded in smoke all morning.
Then yesterday, they went to check o n our other house next to the
prime minister’s office and their were police and neighbors in the
street warning everyone to evacuate the area and open all the doors
and windows because they expected the huge prime minister’s office
building, across an alley from our house, was going to be targeted by
NATO. Crazy! Luckily my family is living in Tajoora away from that
building and they left that house empty. Hope it doesn’t get looted.
My uncles’ families still live in that neighborhood but I hope they
went somewhere else. My brother is still in Benghazi, but he says he’s
ok and is working there to help the democracy movement. Hopefully,
this will all be over soon.

Thanks again for your prayers and empathy!

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