Enough. Time to Build

Photo by Redd F on Unsplash

CivicCon hosts Richard Harwood‘s “Enough. Time to Build” campaign tonight from 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. in the Wesley Abbey building of First United Methodist Church of Pensacola, 2 E. Wright Street. Harwood discusses what average citizens can do to get involved in their communities.

“As I travel all across country, what I hear people saying, regardless of who they vote for, that our country’s on the wrong track, that they’ve had enough of the division, enough of the hatred, enough of the bigotry, enough of the acrimony,” Harwood shared. “People are, as you are exhausted by all this, and we’re not making the progress that we need.”

He added, “The change we need is going to start in our local communities where we can actually come together, restore our faith in ourselves and in one another that we can get things done together and where we can start to build and see some progress. And I think, as you know, all change in American history always started in our local communities. It didn’t start in Washington DC or even our state capitals. And I think we need to renew that spirit today.”

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2 thoughts on “Enough. Time to Build

  1. Doesn’t work that way.
    Developers win.
    Ask any citizen that continues to go to the Escambia County, City of Pensacola and ECUA meetings.
    …We cite the codes concerning everything from landfills poisoning neighbors, the air and our waterways…
    Seven-years of violations by one pit nextdoor to a community center. #Wedgewood
    Thanks Rick for the excellent coverage on Rolling Hills.

    The folks living in the center of of toxic landfills continue to live in unsafe homes that were contaminated by the pollution and lives were lost because of the pollution.
    Eight-years of going to the city council meetings concerning flooding and sewage running down our streets in The Tanyard and into Bruce Beach. #ECUA #cityofpensacola
    Rick, remember the “rats down here”? #Corrine Jones Stormwater Park.
    Fill and build homes are now flooding established homes and businesses because there is zero enforcement on non-permit stormwater run-off.
    The run-off is not just rain it includes human waste, fertilizer and anything left in its path. #watchyourstep
    Stormwater run-off is our biggest polluter of our waterways.
    The can keeps getting kicked…
    The FDEP, the state, the county and the city have regulations in place to stop these very issues.
    I’ve cited every one of them…
    The city’s charter is the same… citizens voices are ignored by the administration because they can…
    #Malcolm Yonge Gym.
    The group’s that might get a voice are hand picked and are merely puppets of the developers.
    Bottomline… mission statements for are merely Pie in the Sky ideas. We have the regulations… just not the enforcement.

  2. “As I travel all across country, what I hear people saying, regardless of who they vote for…that they’ve had enough of the division, enough of the hatred, enough of the bigotry, enough of the acrimony.” –Richard Hardwood

    Clearly he hasn’t travelled into Trump rallies, white nationalist “religious” rallies, and the legislative chambers of many red states.

    I understand the calls for unity, but sermons preaching false equivalence don’t solve anything. Civil wars often don’t start in our state capitals, either, although January 6th was planned in the White House. And until more people in this country let go of the Big Lie, stop using the Bible and their personal Jesus as a tool to inflict suffering on others, and quit voting for people on the promise that they will discriminate against marginalized people harder than the next populist, we will remain a country divided.

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