Entrepreneur Award nominees sought

Form the Studer Community Institute: Now is your chance to recognize an individual, business or organization by nominating them for an Entrepreneur Award. Recommend a nominee today!

One of the goals of the Studer Community Institute, through training and development, is to help to enhance organizations and develop leaders. It creates better places to work, increases productivity and wages.

By recognizing these individuals, businesses or organizations, we are highlighting those who are making a difference, creating better jobs and better salaries.

The 10 awards will cover a range of categories, from honoring entrepreneurs that champion the cause for others to the company or leader who rebounded from adversity to the start-up company that survived and thrived.

A family business that has been in existence for more than one generation and whose policies and business practices have had a positive impact on the business and community will also be awarded.

The categories aim to honor those who have made an impact and award their success and resilience.

They include:
— Start-Up Company of the Year
— Micro-Business Entrepreneur of the Year
— Entrepreneur Small Business
— Entrepreneur Medium Business
— Entrepreneur Large Business
— Family Business of the Year
— Entrepreneurs’ Champion
— Entrepreneurial Resiliency Award
— The Employee of the Year
— Entrepreneur of the Year

The recipients will be recognized during EntreCon, the two-day business conference set for Nov. 3 and 4.

“EntreCon was founded and exists to help entrepreneurs in their game-changing business efforts, so it’s exciting to be able to honor their work,” Quint Studer said. “It takes an entrepreneurial mindset and real determination to grow new businesses from within, and success provides jobs and prosperity in Pensacola and beyond.”

To nominate a person, a business or an organization in one of 10 categories, including entrepreneur of the year, click HERE or go to studeri.org and click entrepreneur awards.
