Esc. GOP love Miller


Escambia County Republican Party Chairman Clay Ingram released the following statement regarding Congressman Jeff Miller’s speech today which expressed support for victory in Iraq and support of our troops:

“Congressman Miller’s speech today gives voice to the sentiment of the majority of voters in Northwest Florida. We are fortunate to have a Representative in Washington who is willing to stand up for what is right. His remarks today are immensely supportive of American troops serving in harm’s way.”

In his speech today, given from the floor of the United States House of Representatives, Congressman Jeff Miller stated that the Democratic position on Iraq is poll-driven and that, “This polling data led the Democratic message machine to create a ‘we support the troops, don’t support the war but won’t cut off funding’ position. Much like Majority Leader Hoyer’s empty promises to allow a Republican alternative to this defeatist resolution, the Democrats are now following polls and slowly, piece by piece, bit by bit, revising their stance on defunding the war.”

The Congressman also noted that Democrats have made their position on the war clear. “They are opposed to winning the war, claim they were tricked into supporting it and will do anything in their power to cut off all funding to the war.”

He also stated that if the Democrats were serious about the non-binding resolution against support of the war, and truly believed that it would not affect troop morale, that they should, “send every man and woman fighting in Iraq a copy of it, along with the recorded vote.”

The Congressman concluded his statement by emphasizing his belief that victory in the war is imperative, both for the survival of the Iraqi people and for U.S. national security.
