During the Escambia County Commission’s Committee of the Whole tomorrow, backyard chickens will be a topic of discussion. Currently, chickens are only allowed in rural area of the county.
Tomorrow, commissioners will take a look at some proposed regulations which would allow for chickens in residential areas. The regulations are similar to those adopted by the city last year.
Proposed regulations include: property must be a minimum of one acre in size; no more than eight chickens allowed; pens, coops or enclosures must be a minimum of 50 feet from adjacent dwellings; no roosters; prohibits keeping chickens for sale; requires 30-foot property line setback.
County staff has also calculated some estimated costs involved with allowing chickens: three new animal control officers, at $38,475 each; training and certification, at $1,000-per; three additional animal control vehicles, totaling $134,505.
The county commission’s COW meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at 9 a.m. at the Magaha Government Building in downtown Pensacola.