Escambia County children living in poverty percentage soars

The percentage of children under age 5 living below poverty level soared in 2009 from 29.3 to 38.6 percent. The state percentage is 24.8 percent, according to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Nearly two out of every five preschoolers in Escambia County are living in poverty. In 2002, the rate was a little over one out of five.

Escambia County
Children under 5
Living below poverty level

2002: 23.0
2003: 30.6
2004: 24.7
2005: 28.2
2006: 31.6
2007: 25.3
2008: 29.3
2009: 38.6 —-State percentage: 24.8

Escambia County
Children under 18
Living below poverty level

2002: 24.7
2003: 27.0
2004: 25.3
2005: 24.0
2006: 24.7
2007: 23.1
2008: 22.0
2009: 29.5 —-State percentage: 21.0
