Rick's Blog

Escambia County Commission considers fracking ban

Press release: Escambia County is poised to consider a resolution calling for a statewide ban on hydraulic fracturing, acid fracturing, and well stimulation performed for the purposes of exploration or production of oil or natural gas. Escambia County Commissioners will vote on the resolution at their Thursday night meeting.

For the past few months, a local coalition of environmental organizations and citizens have been voicing their concerns about hydraulic fracturing—or fracking—and other extreme energy extraction methods. Fracking would threaten Florida’s fragile water supply and would pose serious risks to the natural environment, and to the health and welfare of Floridians.

350 Pensacola invites the public to join environmentalists and concerned citizens who will show support for the passage of the proposed resolution at the County Commissioners meeting. The public can speak for the resolution when it is presented during the agenda.

Kim Ross of Floridians Against Fracking, a coalition of groups working to ban fracking at the state and local level, and Jorge Aguilar, Southern Region Director for Food and Water Watch, are following the news as Escambia County could join the 26 counties and municipalities that have passed anti-fracking resolutions and ordinances. These communities are thinking ahead, in the hope that state lawmakers will draw the line on fracking and move to encourage a clean energy future for Florida.

Elaine Sargent, Director of 350 Pensacola, states, “At a time when we should be transitioning to clean energy, the oil and gas industry continues to go after permits to explore their options in Florida. Extreme oil and gas extraction should not have a place in the Sunshine State.”

For more information, contact 350pensacola@gmail.com.

What: Escambia County Commissioners Meeting, Resolution Supporting Florida Ban on Fracking
Where: Board of County Commissioners Chambers, Escambia County Governmental Center, 221 Palafox Place
When: Thursday, August 20, 5:30 p.m.

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