Rick's Blog

Escambia County launches Ethics Hotline, Toll Free: (844) 640-0008

Escambia County is the first local government to launched a Fraud, Waste and Abuse hotline. Citizens and county employees can now anonymously report activity that may be considered unethical or of concern. Inweekly reported last month that the city of Tallahassee has a similar hotline.

The hotline will be managed by Lighthouse Services, which is based in Blue Bell, PA. and used by colleges, government agencies and businesses across the country.

Reports may be made 24 hours a day. Once submitted, Lighthouse Services will compile the information and will notify County Administration of the complaint to be managed further within our organization.

In the coming weeks, all County vehicles will be given identification numbers and bumper stickers with the hotline phone number advertising the program for all to participate.

Examples of major violations:

How to submit a report:


To view a brief video detailing the program, visit http://bit.ly/1zjZmhl.

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