Escambia pushes past 2K COVID cases

Escambia County now has 2,046 cases – with 94 news cases reported today. The state of Florida has 6,563 new cases with a positivity rate of 15%.

The new cases in the county  included 79 Florida residents and two associated with nursing homes. The median age was 31 and positivity rate was 13%.  The June 30 local cases were the third highest day for Escambia County in past two weeks – topped by June 29 (191) and June 25 (160).

June 29 had 1,824 tests results entered; June 25 1,010 test results.  June 30 covered only 706 results.

The hospitalizations are 94 – 6% of all cases; Florida has 9% hospitalization rate.

Escambia County has 44 deaths – 3% of all cases; Florida’s death rate 2%.

For the month of June, Escambia had 16,690 test results – 1,023 positives with a positivity rate of 6.13%.

The month started low – 1.56% positivity rate and 64 new cases among Florida residents in its first 10 days.  Then we began to see the impact of opening up and the Memorial Day Weekend.

Inweekly started its pressure for more information about the increase in cases and was told the cause was more testing. The next 10 days, the county had 205 new cases – 3.83% positivity.

The last 10 days of June  we saw 754 new cases – positivity rate of 10.43%.

At the end of May, Escambia County had only 668 COVID-19 cases year-to-date among Florida residents.

We had 11 deaths in June.  We had 21 deaths in May and 12 in April-March.

We had 30 hospitalizations in June.  We had 21 hospitalizations in May and 43 in April-March.

Date Negatives Positives Total Positivity
June 1-10 4048 64 4112 1.56%
June 11-20 5142 205 5347 3.83%
June 21-30 6477 754 7231 10.43%
15667 1023 16690 6.13%



as of July 1 6/29/20 6/30/20 Increase
Total Cases 152434 158997 6563
Florida Residents 149,781 156,288 6507
Non-Fla. 2653 2709 56
Deaths 3505 3550 45
Escambia 1952 2046 94
Okaloosa 666 704 38
Santa Rosa 593 617 24