Rick's Blog

Escambia School District seeks out-of-town attorneys

It has long been the position of the IN that our local governments should hire local professionals and consultants first – engineers, architects, attorneys, etc. Local dollars should stay local.

The Escambia County School Board is being presented a proposal to hire four firms from Panama City, Tampa and Texarkana to represent it in BP claims. We have very capable local firms here in Pensacola. Neil Oberholtz of Aylstock, Witkin, Kries, and Overholtz appeared before the Judical Panel that decided where the BP lawsuits would be tried. Martin Levin and Brian Barr are heading the Levin, Papantonio team that is representing Florida’s restaurants. Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon and David Lee Sellers & Eric D. Stevenson have also been active in BP claims process. These are just a few that come to mind because I’ve interviewed these attorneys and firms about the BP disaster.

Jeff Bergosh has come out against this recommendation. Read his blog to see the recommendation.

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