Escambia schools worst crime reporting in Panhandle

School Board member Jeff Bergosh’s comments got me curious to how Escambia County compares to the rest of the Florida Panhandle counties when it comes to reporting crime and violence to the law. I’ve already posted how much more aggressive Santa Rosa County is, but Bay County is even more so, reporting 100 percent of all serious crimes and violence to law enforcement. Walton County is at 86 percent, and Okaloosa is at 67 percent.

See the states for yourself: Table 4.

In the entire state, only eight counties have a worse record of reporting serious campus crime and violence to the law than Escambia County:

Total Reported Percent
UNION 28 1 4%
GADSDEN 633 30 5%
JACKSON 216 37 17%
HIGHLANDS 213 47 22%
GILCHRIST 130 35 27%
MADISON 23 7 30%
ST. JOHNS 349 107 31%