Escambia: unhealthy place

WEAR TV 3 reports: In the Annual County Health Rankings put out by the University of Wisconsin, Escambia ranks 47th out of 67 counties for the second year in a row. Okaloosa County scores very high at number 9 with Santa Rosa just behind it in 12th place. Despite the best efforts of its Health Department Escambia County’s health rankings remain low. See video.

As the IN reported in January (Escambia County’s Secret), Escambia County is high above the state and national stats for sexually transmitted diseases. The county ranks at the bottom of Florida’s 67 counties in the category of physical environment.

What is bizarre is Escambia ranks sixth in clinical care. Does this mean we have great healthcare systems, but our people are too poor or too illiterate to access them? Or is our physical environment so bad that it makes them sicker than other counties? See rankings.
